Sabtu, 20 Desember 2014


“If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember that this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse.”
― Walt Disney Company

Hi, It’s me again. Fathiya Mufidah, a girl with a lot of dreams.
Now, I will tell you about my dreams. Let’s check It out!

First, I will tell you about my old dream, When I was in elementary school. I wonder I can continued my study at SMPN 5 Bandung, then at SMAN 3 Bandung and at Bandung Institute of Technology.
So, The first goal that I have to do is be a SMPN 5’s student, so after National Examination, I did some test, but unfortunately, I was failed at that test. I was so sad because I think that I have lose my first goal. So I made a registration to SMPN 14 Bandung and I was accapted there.

Second goal is be a SMAN 3 Bandung student. It’s not an easy goal because It was the best school in Indonesia. When the National Examination at Junior High School, I would do my best so I can accapted there. So the graduation day came, I got not realy big score but It’s not realy bad too. I don’t believe at my self. A day before registration, I have made a deal that I would went to SMAN 24 Bandung, but Finally I try to made a registration at SMAN 3 Bandung. And what? A day after registration, I was Kicked out from this school. Hopeless, just one word that explain everything that I felt that time, I just accapted in SMAN 24 Bandung, It’s a good school too, but I scare that I couldn’t get my big dream, study at Bandung Institute of Technology.

The unbelieveble thing was happened some days after the registration was closed. I was accapted again at SMAN 3 Bandung, I’am realy happy because of It.
Now, as a SMAN 3 Bandung student, I have lot of dreams, first, be a ITB’s student at School of Pharmacy  Faculity, why? My father is the lecturer there. I see him work and I was interested. I hope I can continue the magister and doctor at another country. And I can be a botany scientist.
At another sight. My big goal is success in the world and after world. I realy wanna be a Hafizhah, who is it? I realy want to memorize the 30 juz of Al-Qur’an. So I can help my parent and all my family at after world. It’s my parent dream too so I want this dream will come true.

I want to go to Makka with my family, get a travel around the world with my family and my friends, Success in the world and after world, Make my parent proud, And live happily at heaven with everybody that I love.

That is some of my dreams, I have a lot of dreams, and I cant write down all of them.
And I hope that All can be granted..............................